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Dermatologists, pharmacists and beauticians always warn against popping pimples. Is popping pimples really that bad for the skin? Or does popping a pimple shorten the time it takes to clear up? In this article, we explain in detail how acne eruption initiates a process in the skin.


Yes, popping acne is really bad for the skin, according to experts. An inflamed pimple occurs when the pores become clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells, bacteria, and often pus. Before you start tightening, consider exactly what is happening under the skin. The pore where the pimple formed is already under pressure and swollen. When you squeeze a pimple, you can accidentally push all the debris deep into the follicle. This can cause the follicle wall to rupture and carry all the inflamed debris to the dermis, the lower layer of the skin.

Even if you can pull out pus and debris through the pore opening, don't assume your skin is okay anymore. because when removing the pus in the pore, you pushed the inflamed material deeper into the dermis.


Have you ever seen your pimple come back just a few hours after you popped it, or have a second one pop up right next to it? This is possible because squeezing pimples can make them worse. The damage occurs not just below the surface, but also on the skin as you can see it.

Popping a pimple can leave a permanent and deep scar. If you are squeezing the pimple on a papule (a pimple without a white head) type of acne, you may find that your skin becomes much more red and swollen instead of get

ting rid of it.

Popping a pimple can turn even a normal pimple into a more severe type of acne, a nodule (hard, red, painful, and deep in the skin) or acne cyst.

The most serious type of acne is acne cysts, and they are large painful inflamed lesions. Cysts develop when a membrane forms around the infection in the dermis, forming a soft, fluid-filled lump. A specialist should be consulted to pass acne cysts. Popping a pimple can have far more serious and long-term effects than a swollen pore or crusted condition. It is also the surest way to increase the likelihood of acne scarring. With every skin injury, the skin is likely to lose tissue as it heals. This is how pitted acne scars are formed. The more damage you do to the skin, the more likely it is to lose tissue.

Even if pitted scars do not form when you squeeze your pimple, dark skin patches may occur. These dark spots on the skin, called inflammatory hyperpigmentation, are caused by inflammation. Popping pimples causes inflammation, so it's possible to see hyperpigmentation due to inflammation after the pimple has healed.


Everyone squeezes acne at some point, even knowing they shouldn't. Rarely squeezing pimples is normal, although it's not good for the skin. Squeezing a pimple can cause the inflammation to spread and, as a result, worsen the acne. To put it bluntly, a no-touch policy is the best option when it comes to skin. Of course, there are safer ways to get rid of acne.

Instead of popping pimples, you

can prevent them from forming. The solution for this is to use anti-acne products regularly or to see a specialist. First, you can try over-the-counter dermocosmetic products. Over-the-counter skincare products can help prevent mild acne breakouts. If you do not see enough effect after two or three months of use or if your acne becomes more serious, you should go to a dermatologist. There are many prescription acne treatment options available to help clear up your skin and make acne a thing of the past. Daily care products can't provide much help for severe acne breakouts.


We have explained above that pimples should not be popped and what kind of consequences and troubles can cause when popped. However, in some cases, your dermatologist may suggest cleaning the blackheads and white oil buttons, or you may want to squeeze your blackheads and pimples, knowing how inconvenient this job is. In this case, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points.

When you can't stand it at home and squeeze your blackheads or acne, first start by cleaning the area. With the help of a clean napkin or cotton, try to gently clean superficial blackheads and acne, if possible, without using your nails. Do not force a blackhead that does not come off. Remember that not completely cleared acne will cause more redness and swelling.

Dermatologists can clear acne safely. Pimple tightening is generally preferred when other skin cleansing methods do not work. Dermatologists use several different techniques to get rid of acne. One of them is the method of removing blackheads and whiteheads using sterile instruments. Since it is applied by a de

rmatologist, it is a very safe method to get rid of black and white spots.

Dermatologists inject steroids into the lesions to get rid of deep, painful acne cysts or nodules. This increases the speed of healing and reduces the risk of scarring. Injection is a good treatment for nodules and cysts, especially painful pimples. This method cannot be used for more than one acne. Also, only doctors can inject the corticosteroid. A corticosteroid injection will flatten most acne nodules or cysts within 48 to 72 hours.

Depending on the condition of the acne, dermatologists may also perform a procedure called incision and drainage. This method can be used to squeeze out a large and painful acne cyst or nodule. A sterile needle or surgical blade is used to open the acne cyst and then the inflammation inside is removed. Appropriate techniques used by dermatologists help to drain the cyst or nodule in the most accurate way.

Dermatologists use sterilized equipment to clean the pores during acne squeezing and deep clean the skin. After this procedure, black and white spots can occur quickly on the skin, so it is necessary to follow a good skin care plan to pr

event new problems.

These techniques are not necessary for every acne type. Pimples can usually be cleared with anti-acne products and the right skin care. While cleansing your skin, it may be tempting to pop a large pimple or squeeze a blackhead, but this can prolong the cleansing process. For all these reasons, you should pay attention to the following items;

  • Keep your hands away from your face.

  • Touching, squeezing and popping can make acne worse, remember that.

  • Soothe pain with ice.

  • While some pimples can be painful (especially nodules and cysts), ice also reduces inflammation. Many people can get rid of their acne completely thanks to acne treatment products. Anti-acne products should be used regularly. Although it takes time for acne to go away, if you do not see results within 4 to 6 weeks, it would be a good choice to see a dermatologist to solve your problems.

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