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What are the benefits of collagen?

Collagen is known as an amino acid found in the body. Collagen, which means "glu" in Greek, is one of the most important proteins that keeps the body together, increases endurance and gives flexibility to the skin. It consists of three alpha chains that are wound on each other. Collagen, a protein found throughout the body, begins to decline as we age.

Wrinkles and sagging that occur in the body with the advancement of age are the common problems of most people. The main source of such problems in the skin is the lack of collagen. As collagen, which connects bone and muscle tissue, begins to decrease in the body, various problems begin to appear.

What are the Benefits of Collagen?

For a Tight and Smooth Skin Surface: The most well-known benefit of collagen is that it tightens the skin and reduces wrinkles as much as possible. When the entry of collagen, which keeps the skin structure and muscles together, increases, the skin gets a smoother appearance as the signs of aging on the skin disappear.

Healing Circulatory System: Collagen provides healing in the internal tissues of the body as well as on the skin surface. Collagen provides a higher quality circulatory system to the person as it increases vascular flexibility and strengthens the tissue structure. The increase in the quality of the circulatory system ensures the improvement of the cardiovascular system.

Flexible Joints: Collagen makes the joints more flexible. Especially people with joint disorders can benefit from collagen in terms of joint mobility.

Thick and Healthy Hair: In the natural aging process, the hair strands begin to lose their thickness, their power to resist external factors and their bright appearance. All of these cause hair breakage and shedding. Even if shedding does not start directly, the hair does not grow with the same efficiency as before. Collagen is a good choice in order not to lose the strength of the hair strands. Collagen, which stimulates and thickens the hair strands, will enable you to have thicker and healthier hair.

Fast Healing Process: Collagen is also a solution for various skin problems or wounds whose healing is slowed down by the natural aging process. It will be determined that the reason for the prolongation of the healing process of wounds with aging is the decrease in collagen in the body. Collagen supplement accelerates the healing process of wounds by providing structuring of the skin.

Regular Digestive System: Glycine, an amino acid found in collagen, supports the production of stomach acid and facilitates the digestion of food.

Decreased Cellulite: Collagen, which serves to make the skin tissue smooth from the inside and outside, helps to collect the scattered adipose tissue located just below the skin surface and thus to reduce the appearance called cellulite.

What are the Factors Leading to Collagen Loss?

- Environmental pollution, - Cigarette, - Alcohol consumption, - Prolonged exposure to sunlight, - Sudden rise in blood sugar, - Excessive sugar consumption, - Packaged, refined foods, - Unhealthy eating, - Sleep disorders

Who May Need to Use Collagen?

- Those with dry and sensitive skin, - Those whose skin has lost its elasticity, - Those who experience blemishes on the skin, - Especially those who have stretch marks on their postpartum body, - Those who have an unhealthy appearance of hair, skin and nails due to excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption, - Those who observe conditions such as slow growth of nails, peeling and frequent breakage, - Those who have hair transplantation, - Those who have skin problems due to the natural aging process and environmental factors, - Those with wounds or burns on the skin surface, - Those who have had bariatric surgery may need collagen supplements.

What Are Collagen-Containing Foods?

Green Vegetables: One feature of green vegetables, which have many different benefits for human health, is that they contain high amounts of collagen. Green leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll, which increases the amount of procollagen in our body. Chlorophyll not only increases the amount of procollagen in our body, but also protects our body against UV rays and radicals. Especially dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard and cabbage should be preferred.

Garlic: Garlic contains a high amount of sulfur just like egg white. Sulfur triggers the collagen existing in the skin in the joints. At the same time, garlic, which contains taurine and lipid acids that help repair damaged joints, helps to increase collagen.

Egg Whites: Egg white contains high amounts of amino acids and sulfur along with collagen. Sulfur facilitates the removal of toxins, which are the enemies of collagen, from the body.

White Tea: White tea helps to preserve the molecular structure of skin proteins and collagen.

Avocado and Avocado Oil: Avocado, which is very rich in vitamin E, which prevents the breakdown of collagen in the body, helps to prevent the effects of aging.

Soy Products: Soy has a compound knowingly called genistein. Soy products, which are a powerful antioxidant store, protect the skin against free radicals that can damage skin cells and tighten the skin.

Red Fruits and Vegetables: Red fruits and vegetables contain ellagic acid, which prevents the breakdown of collagen caused by UV light. Red fruits such as raspberry, apple, blackberry, cherry and strawberry increase collagen production in the body.

Beans: Beans stimulate the body to produce hyaluronic acid, an anti-aging agent. Hyaluronic acid adjusts the moisture balance of the skin and gives the skin a smooth and moist appearance. It also supports cell regeneration by increasing collagen synthesis.

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